Report: Content Matters for C-Executives

The data gap, website-centricity, quality over quantity, and AI impact.

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Exclusive insight to help leaders prioritize content strategies, resources, and budgets.

Nine in 10 C-Executives told us they have a clear picture of how their content is performing. Yet only three in 10 said their organization uses data to guide their content strategy.

That’s one of the key findings from our latest Content Matters 2024 report—based on a survey of almost 200 marketing and media C-levels.

In it, we explore how trends and challenges like AI, Google algorithm changes, and the increasing appetite for content are affecting these leaders as they prioritize their content strategies, resources, and budgets for the coming year.

And how their POV differs from their employees—the content creators and managers on the front lines.

What else you’ll read about:

The gap between “having data” and implementing a data-driven strategy—and how making content analytics accessible across the org can solve for that.

The emphasis on high-quality content and website-centricity to drive traffic, loyalty, and customer retention—in light of ever-changing SEO algorithms and consumer behavior.

Why C-levels are still kicking the tires on adopting AI—three out of four plan to some money on AI tools this year, but only one in 10 expect to budget 25,000+ USD.

Find out what C-levels are focused on for the remainder of 2024—read the full report!

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Because this year and next, content matters.