How to Do Better Content Marketing

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A data-driven series handmade for content creators and marketers

Almost half of today’s companies don’t know if their content marketing is working or generating real business results.

The best and brightest, however, know the overall goals of their business, how the business attracts customers, the value of each customer, what content to create or repurpose and why, and the critical metrics that measure content marketing success.

But the path to this state of business bliss isn’t always easy. Or clear.

That’s why we created our five-part How to Do Better Content Marketing series. If you’re a content creator, you’ll find essential advice and data-driven insight in each chapter that you can start putting to work right away.

One download gets you everything in a single, convenient PDF. 

Chapter 1: Understanding Your Business and How Content Drives It

Doing great content marketing that gets great results starts with understanding the nature of your business, what you sell, how you sell it, what it costs—and what journey your customers take to buy.

Chapter 2: Understanding Your Target Audience

Without knowing why anyone buys your product, how they find out about your company, and what language resonates with them, it’s impossible to create compelling content that turns readers into customers.

Chapter 3: Deciding What to Create and Developing a Content Calendar

Is your content team starting to feel like an in-house “content vending machine, overworked and undervalued? Time to start identifying high-value ideas, repurposing existing content, and calendaring everything.

Chapter 4: Performing a Content Audit 

By regularly checking the pulse of site content—landing pages, resources, blog posts—your content marketing stays laser-focused on driving results that matter to your organization. 

Chapter 5: Repurposing and Improving Existing Content 

Publishing fresh, relevant, engaging content is the core of any successful content marketing program. But the most effective approach isn’t necessarily starting from scratch every time.